Monday, May 19, 2014

K2 Spice | Potpourri Incense

 With so many k2 spice blends available for purchase, it may be hard to choose which one is right for you.  As stated before, each and every blend has its own unique effects associated with it.  Each of these different aromas may give off different qualities that you may be interested in.

Here is a few of my favorites and the experience I have had with each one respectively.

Bizarro Incense

Bizarro Incense

Bizarro Incense is a powerhouse blend that is well known in the herbal incense industry.  For over 4 years now, Bizarro incense has been the best selling blend that is offered in the market.  Bizarro is made by Zencense and has remained popular throughout all of these years in the industry for its potency and pleasant aromas.  This blend comes in flavors such as vanilla, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, original, and many more.

Bizarro incense can be used in small doses to product big effects.  Only a few puffs of the tasteful aroma will do.  Don't overdo Bizarro is very strong!

Diablo Incense

Diablo Incense

Diablo incense is another blend that has been popularized over the past couple years.  Diablo incense will give you an energetic rush which is why this blend is unique.  Diablo incense has become one of my favorites because of this.  Some potpourri incense blends are too strong and tend you put you in a daze.  Diablo incense gets you pumped up and engaged.

Scooby Snax Potpourri

Scooby Snax Potpourri

Scooby Snax potpourri is the REAL DEAL.  This blend has been topping the market recently because of its low price and strong hitting aroma.  Scooby Snax potpourri has been a best seller among many herbal incense vendors.  Unfortunate, this blend is being misrepresented recently. Over the past few months it has been next to impossible to but legitimate Scooby Snax.  Make sure you read your reviews before purchasing this blend.

Here is a few k2 spice and potpourri incense blends that are very reliable if you know where to look.  Follow our posts to see where you can find the best k2 spice, potpourri, and herbal incense products online. If you want yo buy k2 spice online this is THE site to find all of your information!